On August 5th, We will suit up for the Pan Mass Challenge,
Over the past 10 years, we've raised over $2.2 million to fight orphan cancers. Fellow Posse member Dr. George Demetri's research team at Dana-Farber receives 100% percent of the monies Paul's Posse collects.
This year we are riding for fellow Posse member John Shanahan who recently passed away from a massive heart attack. He was a dear friend of over 20 years who Paul met on his 1st PMC.
He was riding his bike in Sicily on June 9, 2018 on a trip to celebrate a 60th birthday of a fellow Posse member, when he suddenly experienced a life-ending heart attack on the road to Ragusa.
Leading up to the event there was no warning. He was in his usual wonderful spirits right up to the end. He had enjoyed a late lunch in Modica where he was laughing and telling stories. John delighted in being on a bike with his friends. While he left us far too early at the age of 58, we take some consolation that; he was having the time of his life up to the very end.
The hole in the Posse created by his absence serves as a reminder to hug our loved ones a little tighter, for every day is precious.
In addition to your financial support, we would like to ask one more favor. Please solicit a donation from just one other friend or family member. Just think of how much more we can accomplish in our effort to rid our lives of this horrible disease if we broaden our network of giving.
Your tax-deductible check can be made payable to PMC/Jimmy Fund and you can mail it to me. Alternatively, you can use your credit card to make a donation on line http://www2.pmc.org/profile/PS0036
Thank you for your support that allows the Posse to keep working towards conquering this killer, but we can't give up.
Thrive on,
Paul's Posse
Here is a link to a video for your viewing pleasure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS50m7w8F-E. It was created by Posse friend and videographer, Sharon Sullivan, who wanted to tell Paul's story of Thriving. We think it captures beautifully what the PMC, and Paul's Posse, are all about. Watching it reminds us of how fortunate we are! (Please feel free to pass on this letter so someone else can see the video)
Paris Brest - Fast Company Profile (Follow up)